
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mesothelioma Treatment Tested at University

The second phase of a clinical trial testing mesothelioma treatments just commenced at Columbia University, according to news reports. The treatments being tested are to decrease signs and symptoms of peritoneal and malignant pleural mesothelioma, the two most dangerous forms of the disease.

The trial will involve approximately 29 individuals and will last nearly six months.

Two of the drugs that will be tested include oxaliplatin and gemcitabine. According to TransWorldNews, oxaliplatin is "a platinum-containing organic compound which targets cancer cells by inhibiting or specifically preventing replication and repair of the cancer cells‚ DNA." Oxaliplatin is from Sanofi Aventis and is manufactured as Eloxatin.

Mesothelioma Treatment: Surgery

Surgery is an important step in confirming and knowing the nature of the cancer. It can be conducted on patients with the combination of adjuvant chemotherapies and radiations, before and after the surgery.


The most common surgery for Mesothelioma treatment is pleurectomy, in which doctors open the patient's chest and remove the excessive fluid or tumor from the lining of the lungs (pleura). Although this procedure controls the accumulation of fluid and decreases pain, it still is not a cure. On the other hand, if the tumor is in its initial form and has not extensively grown, a pleurectomy can increase the survival rate of a patient when combined with chemotherapy and radiation. Additionally, a pleurectomy can be performed on patients with less-approving health conditions and has lower mortality rate than the extrapleural pneumonectomy.

Mesothelioma Treatment: Chemotherapy

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects the serous linings of various internal organs in the human body. Among them, the lungs, heart and the stomach are the mostly affected.

It is estimated that each year, 2,000 new cases of Mesothelioma are reported. The patients suffering from this cancerous disease have had prior exposure to asbestos, which is considered to be the only known cause of Mesothelioma. Mesotheliomic patients are often told of the short survival duration of 6 - 12 months. But doctors specialized in treating malignant Mesothelioma at leading cancer centers expect better survival rates. Though Mesothelioma causes immense pain and suffering to the victim along with short life expectancy, certain treatments have resulted in the successful reduction and removal of the cancerous tumors of Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Treatments - Some Basic Facts

Before we discuss about mesothelioma treatments it is important to have an understanding of what is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the linings of lungs and abdominal area caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. It takes 30-40 years for this cancer to appear after the asbestos exposure. It is important to treat this cancer in the early stages otherwise it proves fatal. Various mesothelioma treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

There are two types of surgeries for mesothelioma treatments, Aggressive Surgery and Palliative Procedures. Before performing any surgery, it is necessary to check whether the heart and lungs are functioning properly. Of the two types, aggressive surgery, also known as Pneumonectomy, is complicated surgery performed on younger patients, who are good in health and can bear the surgery. Pneumonectomy involves the removal of extra pleural membrane. The main purpose of this mesothelioma treatment is to physically remove as much tumor as possible.

Conventional Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma is a devastating cancer that is both aggressive and easily metastasized. Because it has only been recognized since the 1950s, there are not yet many treatment options specific to mesothelioma. Instead, patients diagnosed with this disease often opt for conventional mesothelioma treatment, which includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. Unfortunately, though, mesothelioma has a very long latency period, meaning that it may not appear for 15-30 years after asbestos exposure. In fact, by the time you develop mesothelioma, you may have forgotten that you were indeed exposed to asbestos. This unexpected development of mesothelioma can allow it to spread throughout your body before you are even aware of its existence.

Help With Mesothelioma - Need Of The Hour

Help with mesothelioma refers to assisting those people who are suffering from mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer that affects the lining of abdominal organs and lungs. Asbestos exposure is the major cause behind these deadly cancers. Many resources such as online resources, live support, books, financial help and many others are providing valuable help for mesothelioma patients.

Not only the mesothelioma patients require help with mesothelioma. The patient's family members and friends also require help to cope with this menace. Another way of providing mesothelioma help is to create awareness about the evil affects of asbestos, the root cause of mesothelioma. Alternatively donating for asbestos research and mesothelioma cancer research is a way of helping this cause.

An Insight Into Mesothelioma Cure

The doctors and researchers are looking for answers related to Mesothelioma cure but have not found any. Before we discuss about mesothelioma cure, it is necessary to know about what is mesothelioma and what are its possible causes. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer of the lining of the lungs and abdomen. High Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma cancers. Asbestos is a natural fibrous mineral that was widely used in the construction process, building material and many manufacturing units. Asbestos breaks into minute particles that float into the air, can be easily inhaled and settle on the clothes of workmen, leaving them and their family members prone to many health hazards.

Understanding Its Symptoms - A Step towards Mesothelioma Cure: